Acrylic Diva

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I am not stalking Austin Kleon, really, I'm not.

I have a girl crush on Austin Kleon. There, I said it.  Granted I'm old enough to be his mother, but who cares? I love him, love his books - heck I even like his beard.  No, Austin, I'm not stalking you. Well maybe a little.  I just think you're a boy genius.  Or, to put it in your own words, a boy scenius.

For those of you who have been living in a cave on a remote island, Austin Kleon is the New York Times bestselling author of "Steal Like an Artist."
Austin Kleon Steal Like An Artist

I just finished his second book "Show Your Work." Brilliant. To the point, workable and no fluff. An easy read, but oh so deep.  And this guy has heart. We are sympatico on the whole issue of giving yourself away. Give it all away. Ah, but you have to read the book to understand what I'm raving about.  If you are a "creative" (I kinda hate that word, but I can't think of a better one) you need to read both of these books. Not just read but memorize. Sleep with them under your pillow so you can get all the goodies by osmosis. 

Then make stuff and show it to people. 

 Austin Kleon Show Your Work

Austin is coming to Flax Art Store in San Francisco on April 1 and I plan to be there.  I might gush a little, but hopefully I can keep my girl crush in line. Wish me luck!