Acrylic Diva

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Teaching with the painters that I love.

I love my job. I spend time with amazing students being inspired by great artists.

Almost every Saturday finds me teaching a live, online class inspired by one or another artist. Since the pandemic it’s become a place of comfort and community for me and for the students that I teach.

What started out as necessity has evolved into a real love.

Rita Angus - Wanaka

  • Starting in January of 2022, I’ve tweaked the online painting class a bit. Instead of a new artist every week, we’re going to devote an entire month to just one artist. We can dig deep and really explore with three sessions inspired by one artist.

  • January 2022 is Wolf Kahn month. I am deeply enamored of his work. His color, his texture, his brushwork. My only regret is that I did not attend his Master Class that I was offered. I had to teach a class of my own at the same time. So rather than let my students down, I gave up my place in the Master Class. I always thought I’d have a chance to go later. But, as fate would have it, I didn’t get the chance.

  • February is all about Modigliani. Those long necked women. That glorious paint handling. Subdued color and abstracted forms promise to keep us on our toes.

  • Georgia O’Keeffe reappears in the class schedule in March 2022. We visit her often for inspiration. And who wouldn’t? Having spent time at Ghost Ranch and her studio in Abiquiu, I have a deep fondness for her work.

  • Rita Angus takes us into April. This New Zealand painter is not as well known outside of “down under” as she should be. The way she abstracts the landscape is truly magical.

I’ve been asked on occasion why I teach students to “copy” master artists. In the first place, we don’t copy them. We are inspired by them. And we put our own twist on the subject. But more importantly, we learn from these artists. Any artist worth their salt will take the time to study older artists and emulate them, learn from them. It’s an old and honored tradition and every major artist I can think of has done it. Whether they admit it or not.

Join us some Saturday and see for yourself. It’s 90 minutes of painting bliss with a community of artists who love painting.

Wolf Kahn - In A Red Place

Georgia O’Keeffe - Rust Hills

Amadeo Modigliani - Woman In A Blue Dress