Welcome! Start Here
Welcome to the 20 Minute Artist Program™. I created this course for busy people who want to find a way to make art. No matter how busy you are - you CAN have a satisfying art practice. It only takes 20 minutes a day!
Download and read the Getting Started Guide. Lots of good information about working with acrylic paint and a little advice from a seasoned artist (that would be me!).
Be sure to watch the Materials Video at the end of this page.
Work through the projects at your own pace. They are set up to be done in 20 minute increments. Do a layer every day or blast through an entire project in a weekend.
Along those lines, here are some suggested reading materials to get you inspired:
Austin Kleon - Steal Like An Artist
Anna Held Audette - The Blank Canvas
Steven Pressfield - The War of Art
I’ve included a Workbook for this course. Download it here. The best way to use this is to print it out and take notes in it while you watch the videos the first time around. Then, watch the videos a second time when you are doing the projects and you can refer to any notes you might have in the Workbook. There is also a place for you to create a shopping list.
Just remember my number one rule: have a good time and follow your bliss!
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu