Here are the community rules for posting comments in this workshop.
Give more than you ask for.
Be kind.
What is shared here, stays here.
That being said, don’t post anything here that you would not post publicly onllne.
Please always use tone and language that’s appropriate for all students so that a safe and productive space is provided for everyone.
Each live session happens in a Zoom meeting on Thursday. On Saturday, the live recording from the previous Thursday will be posted.
Each session will begin with demonstrations both live and video. Your microphone and video will be turned off to keep everyone’s attention on the material.
After the demonstrations, we will have a short break.
When we resume, your video and microphone will be turned back on. We’ll have plenty of time for questions and to cover upcoming homework.
“ If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try.”
Provide each student with the tools necessary to create a working online teaching practice.
Show up prepared and excited to share knowledge.
Answer questions fully and in a timely manner, whether in the session or by email.
Be available for all students, all the time, as much as possible.
Be honest and kind.
Share everything useful about the topic.
Come to each session on time and prepared. Try to arrive 5-10 minutes early.
Do the homework every week.
Review the materials in the classroom each week.
Comment on the videos etc., inside the classroom. Share your wins, ask for help when you need it. Email Tesia with questions or comments along the way.