FAQ About Online Workshops and meetings

Hello and thank you for signing up for the online workshop or meeting!

Online workshops and/or meetings are hosted inside the Zoom online webinar platform.   Here are some helpful hints for making the most out of the online workshop or meeting.

From a desktop computer:  If you are joining  from a desktop computer, you will be asked to download the Zoom application when you visit the link I sent you. Don't worry! It's perfectly safe, fast and takes up very little space.  You may get a prompt that looks like this: 

It's perfectly safe to download and install the plug in.  Click "launch application" to proceed.

From iPad and iPhone: Click here to download the Zoom app. Download the Zoom app for IOS devices 

From an Android device: Download the Zoom app for Android devices

  • This will have you up and running for a seamless experience. A small application will download to your computer that will enable you to see and hear me (and all my cool toys!). It's perfectly safe and fast, and takes up very little space on your computer.

  • If you've attended one of my online workshops before you know the ropes!

  • You will be muted during my demo but later I’ll unmute everyone and answer questions.

  • Got a headset? It is sometimes best to wear one to minimize distractions and for better sound quality.

  • Close out your other browser windows when we start so you can focus and really get all the great info I have for you.

  • I love to answer your questions! So things run smoothly, put your questions into the chat box and I will answer them after the demo.

  • Watch the video below for information on joining a Zoom meeting.


Below is a picture of the Zoom dashboard. Pay special attention to the lower left. Your microphone and video icons are there. You will be muted while I am doing the demo. Video will be turned off as well. At the break I’ll turn on the video and microphones.

zoom dashboard.png

Be sure to keep your Zoom window in front so you can see the class. Close out your other tabs or minimize other tabs and applications.


zoom 1.png



Sit back, relax and leave the hard work to me.  I'll see YOU online!

Tesia - Acrylic Diva