Don't Quit Your Day Job...
Don’t Quit Your Day Job
Here's an excerpt from my new book. You can work at a full-time job and still make art. Lots of people do it!
Vinay Sharma "Untitled" Monoprint on birch panel 2018.
"Born and raised in India, Vinay Sharma moved to Sacramento from New York City after graduating from Columbia University with a Masters in Computer Engineering.
Vinay Sharma
A few years ago, Vinay came to one of the lectures I regularly do for Golden Artist Colors™. Afterwards he asked me about classes and ended up studying with me. He has gone on to become an extraordinary printmaker, selling and showing his work and even being included in prestigious print journals.
This all happened in about five years.
Oh and by the way, he works full time as a hardware engineer.
He has a passion for creating. He finds the time to create even with a full-time, very demanding job.
Once you get past the idea that you have to have the big studio or forty hours a week to paint or any of those other Artist Myths - then it’s pretty easy to find time to create. Ten minutes while the pasta is cooking. Easy, peasy.
The amazing printmaker Kathe Kollwitz created stunning, heart-wrenching prints while she was stirring the soup and had a baby on her hip."